Trump’s nativity is almost a testament to the validity of natal astrology. The interpretation of his chart goes as follows: the ASC opens at 29º56’ of Leo, conjunct Regulus. Conjunct with the ASC, the symbolism of that star is attached to the self and will impose that myth on the self in the interpretation.
Regulus is one of the most beneficial fixed stars, associated with power and success. It is the main star in the constellation of Leo, the ‘heart of the Lion’, so its symbolism is like that of the ‘super’ lion, expanding already any association of the constellation with the sign of Leo and its ruler, the Sun. So ‘the heart of the Lion’ is like the ‘heart of the heart’, ‘the Sun of the Sun’, the ‘King of the King’, and ‘the golden gold’.
In the ASC we also find Mars, the ruler of the 4th and 9th house. Being in the first house, Mars gives domicile to the ascendant’s ruler (as giving him strength), but primarily, shows itself in the self, holding hands with the native as one. What is Mars? By house rulership, Mars signifies 4th house matters, the base below, immovable objects, property, real state, homeland, nation, family, and, in the family, the father. By natural symbolism, Mars is the fighter or the soldier.
The ASC’s ruler is in Gemini, with all his eyes on the 2nd house ruler, Mercury: movable possessions, money. Then the ASC’s ruler is the Sun in Gemini conjunct north node, ‘boosting’ how the self-image appears in the world.
But in this post, rather than repeating points made in other places, I’d like to extend the interpretation further on the power of activated fixed stars. Here, we have Algol in the 10th house and Regulus in the 1st, and a few points not yet seen anywhere should be made since they seem so evident in Trump’s career and political trajectory.
Regulus on 1st, Algol on 10th
A great way to communicate the symbols fixed stars impose on a native is through myths. One of the many reasons for this is that, in symbolism, there is no true good or bad. In the case of a beneficial star such as Regulus, we could talk about the power and success it can help one manifest. At the same time, being a testimony that this person might have a challenge in letting go of the pursuit of power and success.
Also, one of the most malefic fixed stars such as Algol, represented by the girl turned into a monster, Medusa, after falling into temptation, and then being decapitated by the hero Perseus, might represent both the tendency to temptation (or to tempt others into sin), and then losing one’s head from its consequences, or the will to decapitate the inner voice of the medusa that is always attached to you, trying to make you look at her and be turned into stone.
In the case of this configuration, Algol in the tenth house with Regulus in the first can be roughly interpreted as one whose powers above tend to get led into madness and eventually be decapitated as the self goes out as a winner. Banks, government, media, and any figure of authority might try to control this character, and turn him into stone, but fail.
One important detail in Perseu’s defeat of Medusa is his perfect sword strike: he couldn’t look directly at Medusa lest he’d be turned into stone, so he used his shield to locate her and gave the strike from its reflection.
In an old interview that at this point is impossible to find, due to the amount of content created on Trump since he first appeared as a candidate, he mentioned the delicacy of life when talking about his success. He used a story to exemplify this and the short version goes as follows: he had a complicated deal with a bank that had not developed well and seemed to be in trouble. He set up a round of golf with the bank representatives to try to negotiate more informally. In the golf course, it became apparent that he was really in trouble, but also, that the main figure in the group was the oldest man, the bank’s owner. Trump noticed he liked golf but didn’t play that well, so he decided to only talk about golf and demonstrate his skills in the game. As the game progressed he taught a few golf tricks to the old man, who, after some of the best shots he had ever played, decided to give a friendlier review of his situation with the bank.
The perfect strike in golf is like Perseu’s strike on Medusa. When powers above try to go crazy violent on you, he gives them a perfect strike, and the self emerges as a winner.
It’s interesting to note the ‘invader’ aspect in the encounter with Medusa, for she lived in an isolated trone (some say a cave) of a temple guarded by her sisters. Perseus sneaks through the guards and faces the monster at the top of the stage. If not for the ability to lead Medusa into her maddening crazy state and his perfectly applied strike, Perseus would have never been able to kill the powerful monster, believed by many to be undefeatable.
So, the 10th house is the authority, one’s government, and one’s president: led into madness, struck on the head, and the self goes out as ‘the heart of the Lion’, or the natural king.
Transits in July 2024
Transits can activate points in a chart. A unique activation of Algol will happen on July 2024, a strong triple conjunction of two malefic and one of the most malefic fixed stars: Uranus and an exiled Mars in Algol. Even though the presence of a malefic at that point in the chart might imply bad news for those represented by that point, in that case, powers above the native, it can also point to a challenge for the self of dealing with the dangers associated with the 10th house: government, law, justice, those with power.
For the whole world, it is also a uniquely malefic configuration considering that Jupiter will be in its detriment conjunct Aldebaran, the impulse for the attack. In Pisces, there's the already present conjunction of Neptune with Scheat, which, together with Algol is the couple of most dangerous fixed stars in the zodiac. Neptune in Pisces might imply problems with floods, which we already see in different places, but also tsunamis and intoxication. So it seems that as far as June goes, we have not yet seen the challenges the year has yet to bring, and in no other figure is this more evident than with this one.